Who is the Hotel Guests of 2020? [Infographic]

Who is the hotel guest of 2020 infographic

Over the past ten years, technological advancements completely revolutionize the hospitality industry. As the end of the decade comes closer, now is a good time to reflect on how these innovations will shape the expectations of the hotel guests of the future. If you are interested in finding out more about the hotel guests of 2020, why not check out this interesting Infographic from The Europe Hotel & Resort which explores this very topic.

Trend 1: Hyper-Personalization

Hotel guests are increasingly becoming tech-savvy and sophisticated travelers. In other words they will grow to expect an experience with some hyper-personalization. In 2020, guests will want to be able to customize everything. Starting with their bed features to the aspect of their room. As a result, hotels will need to adopt more advanced reservation systems that allow guests to curate almost every little detail of their trip.

Trend 2: 24-7 Service Lines

In our age of instant online gratification, it’s no surprise that more and more guests are beginning to demand instant human assistance. Some hotels are using technology to tackle this by providing rooms with 24-7 omnipresent service lines. Above all, these allow guests to use their mobile device or a panel to communicate live with an hotelier. This will help answer any question they may have.

Trend 3: Biometric Fingerprint IDs

For the last decade many hotels kept using the classic forms of IDs. Now those hotels are running for the implementation of biometrics, particularly fingerprint systems.
In short, this fingerprint technology is to provide more data security and convenience for younger consumers.

Read the Infographic below to learn more about how the expectations of hotel guests will transform in the year 2020.

Disclaimer: This article is a Guest Post, written by Mary Smith (from Europe Hotel & Resort in Killarney) and edited by our team. The article provides some useful information for the readers. Also we don’t have any personnel/commercial relation with the original writer of the article.


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