The first Space Hotel will open in 2022

The first Space Hotel will open in 2022

Would you rather book a hotel in the Mountains, in the City or by the Beach? Read the following announcement instead, it’s about a Space Hotel:

“Rent private suite, with breathtaking views of the Earth. On the program, 16 sunrises and sunsets a day for 12 days. Suite available from 2022.”

Still interested? Travelevil is telling you that it’s now Possible!

On July 21, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong uttered the famous phrase “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” making him the first man to walk on the moon. Technological advances and years later, humanity is preparing to take another step, or few steps to be precise.

Frank Burger CEO of the American company Orion announced at the Space 2.0 Summit in San Josée, California, the opening of the first luxury hotel in space. Yes, guests will stay up there among the stars!

Now it’s possible to take your next vacation in space. Live the life of an astronaut, test weightlessness, and to contemplate an impregnable view of the Earth, that’s the promise of the Californian company Orion.

You’re always thinking this is Still Impossible?

A night in a Space Hotel

The luxury hotel was designed and developed by five alumni of the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge and NASA engineers. The Space Station is divided into two parts: on one side the luxury hotel, on the other the research station. No golf planned at the moment 🙂

The Aurora station will accommodate up to 6 people, including two crew members, 322 kilometers away from the Earth.

Dimensions: Aurora Station will be around 12 feet wide and 35 feet long — similar in size to a large private jet.
Courtesy Orion Span

Before boarding, travelers must complete a 3-month training program and obtain their astronaut certificate. The resort offers a private suite for two people, a little bit cramped: 13.25 meters long and 4.3 meters in diameter. Not the best option if you are Claustrophobic or have transit problems.

Aurora Station: US-based space technology start-up Orion Span hopes to launch the first ever luxury hotel in space.
Courtesy Orion Span

A hotel room with an Earth view

But if you’re crazy enough you’ll definitely and quickly forget the lack of “space” in those rooms.

Aurora space station circles the globe in 90 minutes, or about 16 sunrises and sunsets a day. What offer you a nice mojito in front of the 13th sunset?

Passengers will enjoy the Aurora Borealis (not sure if I can call them Northern Lights :p ), conduct scientific experiments, also the passenger will experience the weightlessness and grow plants. And will surely be full of little crap related to weightlessness such as playing flying carpet…


Or even enjoy eating a rotating banana…


The Earth will not be very far since a contact with relatives will be possible with a system of video chat, also the Space Hotel may offer free Wi-Fi. Note sure about this one.

For those who wish to enjoy a ride in space, the bill will be around… $7.7 million per person, training and spare underpants included. Also they don’t accept checks.

For hose still interested in this offer, bookings starts at $70,000 for an orbital planned in 2021. The first vacationers can enjoy their room with an Earth view from 2022.

The Space Tourism Conquest

The space conquest is experiencing a new phase: that of space tourism.

The start-up Orion is not the first or the only one. Other companies have started to invest the space field. The Russians, announcement made by the CEO Roscomos in December 2017, also creating a luxury hotel in space for implementation in … 2021. Other companies are also in the starting blocks to make this dream a reality.

Amazon plans to send tourists for short flights of about ten minutes, 100 kilometers above sea level. For the moment, it is a dummy who makes the trip, but we can just wait to see more of this.

Virgin is also in the running with its airport project for space. It is not yet known if the MIB will be in charge of this airport security.

If the Aurora project succeeds, the company Orion plans to develop and launch several modules. It will still takes few years to make the price affordable for budget travelers.

And you? are you willing to try the space adventure? Personally, I’d prefer keep discovering our planet Earth, also I don’t like hot destinations so much.

If you enjoy (sure you did) the article, just share with your friends.

Orion Span’s mission is to build and sustain human communities in space.
Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos plans to spend his Fortune on Space Travel
Look inside the first luxury space hotel
Space 2.0 Summit
Orion Spacecraft


  1. Eeek! It is crazy to think that now-a-days, we have the resources and technology to make something like this happen. As fun as it would be, I think I was meant to stay on Earth!


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